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Booking Page

Learn how to set up, customize, and manage your Booking Page, adjust its settings, and share it with your customers
24 articles
Set up your Booking Page
Manage company details, currency, timezone, hours, booking preferences, and customize your Booking Page with language, labels, and subpages.
Booking lead, slot size, advance or cancellation timeAdjust the timeframe in which customers can book or cancel appointments.
Booking Page Language, Labels and SubpagesTailor your Booking Page with these customizable options
Company Details, Currency, Timezone and Business HoursEssential info about your business that your customers can find on your Booking Page
Deactivate Your Booking PageHow to deactivate your Booking Page and pause taking new appointments from customers online.
Your Booking Page URLEmpower customers to self-book your services online.
Customize your brand
Personalize your Booking Page by adding your logo, a custom banner image, your brand colors, images to your gallery, and more.
Add a banner image to your Booking PageEnhance your Booking Page with a custom image, right at the top.
Customize your Booking PageExplore different ways to highlight your brand on your Booking Page.
Your brandDiscover how to tailor your Booking Page in the new ‘Your brand’ section
Booking Page Settings
Customize your Booking Page with policies, service details, set appointment lead times and confirmation options, including local time zones and customer contact fields.
Add Booking Policy & Terms & ConditionsGet your customers' attention and deliver crucial info during the booking process.
‘Any team member’ optionEnable customers to bypass selecting from your team listed on your Booking Page.
Advance to First Available AppointmentWhen customers are booking an appointment through your Booking Page, you can forward them directly to your first open timeslot
Customer Contact FieldsAdd or remove form fields during the customer intake process
Customize the booking confirmation screenAdd a ‘Book another appointment’ button and callback URL.
Customer Login FeatureSpeed up self-scheduling with unique customer usernames and passwords.
Confirmation Page: Booking ID, Book Another, and Call Back URLSelect which elements appear on the final confirmation window
Remove Setmore Branding from the Booking PageEliminate the Setmore logo & tagline from your Booking Page
Show/Hide Service Categories, Prices, Duration and Business HoursChoose which elements of the Booking Page you want your customers to see
Show the Customer's Local Time ZoneYour Booking Page and confirmation emails will automatically show available times in the customer's time zone
Skip Team MembersStreamline your Booking Page experience for customers by skipping staff selection