Customer profiles make it easy for you to manage contact information for your clients, while keeping track of notes, appointments, and spending habits.
Adding or removing a customer profile (web app)💻
Start by clicking on the Customers tab, then choose the (+) button, next to the search field.
Next, add the customer name and contact information and save your changes.
To delete a customer profile, click the three buttons on the top right (while in the customer profile), and select Delete.
Adding or removing a customer profile (mobile)📱
Navigate to Customers and choose the +Customer button.
Then, add your customer's name and contact information. Tap Create in the top right corner when finished.
Note: Be sure to add an email address, so the customer will receive a confirmation or reminder email for any appointments they book with your business.
Now that the customer profile is added, you can perform a few different actions:
Tap the Phone, Chat, or Email icon to start a call, text, or email with the customer, using their contact information on file.
Tap the name row to edit the customer's contact information.
To delete a customer profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner and select Delete.