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Add the "Book Appointment" button to your Adobe Muse website

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

Adobe Muse is website building software for coders and non-coders alike. Not only is it a useful tool for creating your own business website, but it also comes with a built-in Setmore widget that allows your customers to book appointments with you online. You can install the widget from the Adobe Muse Library and use it to deploy a customizable “Book Appointment” button to your website, which links to your Setmore Booking Page.

Deploying the widget

1. Install the Setmore widget from the Muse Themes website here.

2. Log into Setmore and navigate to Apps & Integrations, then scroll down to the Integrations section and click the Adobe Muse card.

3. In the following window, select and copy the Setmore Key provided.

4. Open Adobe Muse and open your website file.

5. From the Library menu, drag and drop the Setmore widget into your workspace.

The Adobe Muse Editor

6. In the Widget Options menu, paste your Setmore Key in the “User ID” field. The “Book Appointment” button will now link to your Setmore Booking Page.

Adding the Setmore Book Appointment button

Customizing button behavior

The Widget Options menu gives you a few options to help customize the look and behavior of the “Book Appointment” button

Customizing the Book Appointment button
  • Embed Style will determine whether the button, when clicked, opens the Booking Page in a lightbox (listed as “Popup”) or in a new browser tab.

  • Overlay Background Color will shade the button with a specific color when the user mouses over the button.

  • Overlay Opacity measures the see-through quality of the overlay color. A high opacity means it will be harder to see through the color overlay; a lower opacity means it will be more transparent.

  • Button Location determines whether the button will appear in-line with your website content (Embedded) or if it will float on the side of the user’s browser window (Pinned).

  • Button Style and Custom Button Graphic allows you to use a button image of your own making through Adobe’s build-in Custom Button Graphic tool. For more information, refer to the tutorial videos on the Muse Themes website.

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