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Schedule two appointments, class sessions or custom events in the same time slot.

Setmore Support avatar
Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

By default, Setmore doesn't allow multiple appointments or group sessions to be scheduled in the same time slot. To bypass this, you can activate double-booking.

Double-booking enables you to book a new appointment, class session or custom event at a time you have another appointment, class session, custom event, Google event or Office 365 event already confirmed.

Note: Only account admins can activate double-booking. If you're a staff member, please contact the account owner. Double-booking doesn't extend to recurring appointments or class sessions. When creating a recurring appointment or class session in Setmore, you'll be prompted to skip conflicting slots before proceeding.

An image of the Setmore Line Break

Activate double-booking in the mobile app

When scheduling an appointment or class in the Setmore mobile app, you're only shown available booking slots.

By activating double-booking, you can schedule an appointment or class at any time, even when other events are booked.

  • Start by going to Account > Settings.

Tap Account and choose Settings
  • Scroll down to the Double Booking feature and tap the switch on.

Enabling the switch next to Double Booking

Now, when you schedule an appointment, class or custom event, you can select an occupied time slot.

View of appointments and double booked appointments.
An image of the Setmore Line Break

Activate double-booking in the web app

Log into your Setmore web app at You can activate double-booking in the daily, weekly or monthly view of your calendar.

  • Start by clicking the Settings icon in the top right corner of your calendar, below the Profile button.

Click Settings and choose Double Booking
  • Next, click 'Enable double booking' to activate the feature. You'll see a pop-up message at the top of your browser window that confirms activation.

Double Booking confirmation message

To schedule a new appointment, class or custom event in an occupied time slot, simply click the open calendar space next to the confirmed booking. After this, schedule your new appointment as usual.

Note: We recommend switching to weekly or daily view to check your double-booked appointments. The monthly view of your Setmore calendar does not display double-booked appointments side-by-side, as in the screenshot below.

A view of two appointments booked on the same slot
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