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Custom Service Cost and Duration

Enable staff to set a custom cost or duration when booking an appointment

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

When booking an appointment, you'll notice that the values for cost and duration are already entered. These are determined by the service you've chosen for the appointment.

However, in some cases you may need to change the cost or duration for just one appointment, without changing the global values for the service overall.

An image of the Setmore Line Break

Changing cost or duration in the mobile app

You can edit the cost or duration for an existing appointment at any time.

  • Start by tapping on an appointment to bring up the Details menu, then tap on the Service.

Appointment details menu on the Setmore mobile app
  • Next, in the Service Overview window, tap the options for Cost or Duration to change them.

The Service Overview menu in the mobile app
  • Save your changes by tapping Next in the top right corner, then tap Save also in the top right corner on the next screen.

The Next and Save buttons
An image of the Setmore Line Break

Changing cost or duration in the web app

When editing an appointment on your calendar in the Setmore web app, you'll notice that a set of lock icons will appear next to the service cost and duration.

Service details with name, cost and duration

The lock icons mean that the service cost and duration can't be edited. To change them, you must first activate Custom Service Cost, or Customer Service Duration.

  • Start by going to your calendar, click the Settings icon in the top right corner, then select Activate custom service cost, or Activate custom service duration.

The Settings icon to alter service cost and duration
  • Next, click on any appointment to bring up the details menu, then click Edit Appointment.

The Appointment Details with the Edit Appointment
  • Click the cost to edit the cost, or the duration to edit the duration. If there's no lock icon, you can edit the option.

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