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Calendar Week Start Day and Start Hour

Choose whether your calendar starts on a Sunday, Monday, or other

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

By default, your Setmore calendar loads with Monday as the start day, or the day of the week appearing in the left-most column. This is regardless of whether your business is open on a Monday or not. Likewise, the starting time, which determines the top-most row by default, is usually 8 a.m. regardless of what your actual business hours are. Setmore allows you to change these default values so you may have the calendar load with a different start day in the left-most column, and a different start time in the top-most row.

Changing the default start day

1. In this example, we'll assume that we begin with a start day of Monday and a start time of 6 a.m. Our business is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Setmore calendar on the Web app

2. Navigate to Settings > Account > Preferences and scroll down to the section titled Week Start Day. Use the dropdown menu to select a new start day. In this case, we'll change it to Sunday.

Setting the Week Start Day in the Preferences tab

Changing the default start hour

1. Navigate to Settings > Account > Preferences and scroll down to the section titled Calendar Start Hour. Use the dropdown menu to select a new start hour. In this case, we'll change it to 8 a.m.

Choosing the Calendar Start Hour under the Preferences tab

2. Navigate back to the calendar. The designated start day and time should reflect in the left-most column and top-most row, respectively.

The Setmore calendar with the updated start day and start time
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