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Automated notifications

Here’s a list of all automated notifications sent by Setmore.

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

Various types of automated messages are sent to you and your customers. These messages help you align on appointment times, rescheduling, cancelations, and more. Many of these emails can be deactivated via Settings > Notifications.

Appointment confirmations.


When a new appointment is booked, or if a customer is added to a group session, Setmore will send an email confirmation to both the service provider and customer.


When an appointment is rescheduled, both the service provider and customer receive an email confirmation.


If you or your customer cancel an appointment, you’re both notified by email.

Appointment reminders.

Email reminders

Within a specified timeframe before an appointment, Setmore will send an email reminder to you and your customer.

Text reminders

If you have a Pro account with text reminders activated, Setmore will also send a text reminder to your customer only.

Push notifications.

Although text reminders can’t be sent to you or your team members, you can activate push notifications for the Setmore mobile app. These let you know when an appointment is coming up.

Review request emails.

One hour after the customer’s appointment, Setmore will send an email requesting a review for your Booking Page.

Email receipts.

If you have a payment integration activated, Setmore will send an email receipt to your customer after processing a card transaction.

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