Company details, currency, timezone and business hours

Add essential business information to your Booking Page

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

Completing your business information should be one of the first things you do after signing up. This information is displayed on your Booking Page, providing customers with your contact details, operating hours, default currency, and website and social media links.

Here’s how to update your business information and hours – quickly and easily.

Add your business information

1. Navigate to Settings > Business Profile > Edit Profile.

2. Update your company name, description, currency, email address, phone number, website, logo, and Booking Page header image.

Note: Click ‘Add New Field’ in the bottom-left of the screen to add social media links. You can select a platform and enter the relevant URL.

Update your timezone and business hours

1. Navigate to Settings > Business Profile > Edit Profile.

2. Select the ‘Business Hours’ tab. Use the ‘Timezone’ drop-down menu to set your preferred timezone.

3. Click ‘More’ and choose the days your business is open. Next to each day, you can specify an opening and closing time.

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