How to add Setmore booking links to YouTube videos

Let viewers click to book, straight from your YouTube content.

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Written by Setmore Support
Updated over a week ago

Whether you’ve built a thriving YouTube channel or just started video marketing, it pays to offer viewers an easy route to book. New leads or project collaborators can click to visit your Booking Page from 3 video elements: the description, info cards and the end screen.

You can include your full Booking Page URL or particular service booking links. The most relevant links depend on the purpose and audience of your video. Read more about the benefits of adding booking links to YouTube and follow the steps below to begin!

Add booking links to the YouTube description

The YouTube description appears below the player, giving viewers some information about your video. There’s a 5,000 character limit – plenty of space to add a link.

1. Log into YouTube Studio and open your account settings

2. From the left, select Content

3. Next to the video you want to edit, click the three dots button and select ‘Edit title and description’

4. Add your booking link of choice (It’s essential to include https:// at the start of the link. Without this, YouTube will not direct viewers elsewhere)

5. Select ‘Save changes’

To confirm that your link works, select View on YouTube’. Clickable booking links display in blue.

Add booking links to YouTube info cards

Info cards appear in the top-right corner of videos on desktop, or below videos on mobile, and feature CTAs that link viewers elsewhere. You can add up to 5 cards that prompt your audience to visit your channel or Booking Page.

Note: You need to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program to feature links in info cards.

1. Log into YouTube Studio and open your account settings

2. From the left, select Content

3. Next to the video you want to edit, click the pencil button

4. From the left, select Editor > Info cards

5. Move the needle to specify when your card will appear

6. Click ‘+ Card’ in the top-left

7. Select where the card will direct viewers: a video, playlist, channel or website (e.g. your Setmore Booking Page)

8. Enter teaser text or a message that will display next to the ‘i’ in your card

9. Click ‘Save changes’

Add booking links to YouTube end screens

An end screen appears in the last 20 seconds of your video. It enables you to direct engaged viewers to more content (like another video) or to act (like schedule an appointment online).

Note: You need to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program to feature links on end screens.

1. Log into YouTube Studio and open your account settings

2. From the left, select Content

3. Next to the video that requires an end screen, click the pencil button

4. From the left, select Editor > End screens

5. Each end screen can have 4 elements. Click ‘+ Element’ and specify the action you want a viewer to take: to visit a website (like your Booking Page), open a video playlist, or subscribe to your channel

6. Repeat this up to 3 times. Each element can have a different action

7. Confirm and preview your end screen

8. Click ‘Save changes’

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